



 Special Stats






As you enter a section of the cavern filled with amethyst and seraphenite crystals you smell a warm spicy sent that can only be described as a mix of cinnamon and crushed pine needles. You enter the area curious and as you walk around a large stalagmite with shiny purple hues you see a large creature. The Dragon looks at you with amber eyes and as she shifts her weight you realize she's not a silvery color but a very pale green. Her angular head sports four branching horns from what you can see and as your eyes gaze down from her head to her feet you notice her black claws are startlingly clean to polish. Before you can wonder if she's dangerous you see a toothy smile and feel a warm, welcoming presence in your mind. Greetings little one. It has been a long time since I have had company. Come sit with me and tell me your name.